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Elmo is a character of Sesame Street and has a pet goldfish called Dorothy. His best friends are Zoe and Grover.

He has got goggly eyes and a vibrant orange nose and fire engine red fur.

He doesn't like brussels sprouts but he likes pizzas and bananas. Elmos best hobbies are playing the piano and the violin and loves tap dancing.

Did you know that Elmo is 3 1\2 years old. His favorite song is Elmos Song.

Elmos philosophy is "give love and you shall recieve love". He actually did win an award for the longest laugh on the Golden Grover Awards.

When I was little I always used to watch Sesame Street, I am now 13 and I still sometimes watch it when I am bored. I always sung to his songs as well.

Did You Know? When I was little I always used to watch Sesame Street, I always sung to his songs as well.

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Elmo image borrowed from:- http://google images, elmo fun facts borrowed from http://elmo fun facts