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About the Famous Four Web Development Project

These pages were created in 2012 at The Eden Marine High School as part of the ITC Technology group.

The four students who helped to create this set of "Famous Four" web pages are detailed below.

Josh Boundy

Shai Bamford

Sarah Brown

Jayden Smith

Nelson Milhouse Nelson Laura


Milhouse Van Houten image borrowed from:- http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Milhouse_Van_Houten

Nelson Muntz image borrowed from:- http://www.starstore.com/acatalog/Starstore_Catalogue_THE_SIMPSONS_BOBBLE_HEADS_SERIES_4_WACKY_WOBBLERS_9436.html

Lisa Simpson image borrowed from:- http://maryjaneblue.blogspot.com.au/2011_02_28_archive.html

Jeremy Freedman Image borrowed from:- http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Jeremy_Freedman