Famous Four Logo

About the Famous Four Web Development Project

This famous four web site is the original. It is designed to be used as an example when instructing young high school students how to create web pages in HTML and CSS. Students are divided into groups of four and each gets to pick one famous person or creature to build a web page(s) about. The students need to combine there individual web pages to create a famous four web page similar to this example. The teacher will instruct the class on the use of HTML and CSS and give students the examples page source as a starting point.

The four students who helped to create this set of "Famous Four" web pages are detailed below. (yeah sure)

Milhouse Van Houten


Nelson Muntz


Lisa Simpson


Jeremy Freedman



Milhouse Van Houten image borrowed from:- http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Milhouse_Van_Houten

Nelson Muntz image borrowed from:- http://www.starstore.com/acatalog/Starstore_Catalogue_THE_SIMPSONS_BOBBLE_HEADS_SERIES_4_WACKY_WOBBLERS_9436.html

Lisa Simpson image borrowed from:- http://maryjaneblue.blogspot.com.au/2011_02_28_archive.html

Jeremy Freedman Image borrowed from:- http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Jeremy_Freedman