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Windmill or Windscraper - how big is a turbine?


Size comparison between the monster wind turbines planned for the Molonglo Ridge with other objects in the rural landscape. Click on image for a full screen view.At 125 metres (40 storeys) it is more appropriate to refer to these industrial machines as windscrapers. Click on the picture on the right for a full screen view.

Compare the size of the windscrapers planned for Molonglo Ridge with other objects in the rural landscape.

And if you have visited the Crookwell wind plant and think it doesn't look too bad, remember that with only 8 turbines, it is a seventh of the of the size of the Molonglo proposal and the towers are half the size of the windscrapers planned for our neighbourhood.








Visual Impact

Thumbnail image of visibility map. Click on image to view full size map (PDF)The 125 meter towers placed on the ridgelines will be highly visible over a huge area. Download the visibility map (PDF 82 Kb) to see which parts of the ACT and surrounds will be impacted.

As the wind-plant is under the flight path to Canberra Airport, at night many of the towers will support red, flashing aircraft warning lights. The dark nights, so valued by locals will be spoiled by this visual intrusion. The wind farm will be visible 24 hours a day.

Windmill or Windscraper - how big is a turbine?

Size comparison between the monster wind turbines planned for the Molonglo Ridge with other objects in the rural landscape. Click on image for a full screen view.At 125 metres (40 storeys) it is more appropriate to refer to these industrial machines as windscrapers. Click on the picture on the right for a full screen view.

Compare the size of the windscrapers planned for Molonglo Ridge with other objects in the rural landscape.

And if you have visited the Crookwell wind plant and think it doesn't look too bad, remember that with only 8 turbines, it is a seventh of the of the size of the Molonglo proposal and the towers are half the size of the windscrapers planned for our neighbourhood.


Visual intrusion of the turbines

The illustrations at left demonstrate how visually imposing the turbines will be on the landscape. As a comparison, the dimensions of the wind turbines are measured against other large landmarks and objects.

Remember: EHN are planning to build 60 of these turbines on the Molonglo Ridges.

At a span of 70 metres, tip to tip, the turbine blades are over 10 metres wider than the wingspan of a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet.

The nacelle - the section of the wind turbine that houses the electricity-generating equipment - is the size of a bus.


The top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge is 120 metres above the sea.

At a combined height of 120 metres, one of the wind turbines proposed for the Molonglo Ridge is the same height as the top of the bridge.

At a combined height of 120 metres, the turbines proposed for the Molonglo Ridge will be 75% of the height of the Telstra Tower at Black Mountain.

The Telstra Tower is one of the most visually imposing structures on the Canberra skyline, visible from many parts of Canberrra and Queanbeyan.